Update – May 15th 8:30 am

We were notified that the issues were resolved. Please let us know if you continue to experience any issues.

Update – May 14th 8:30 am

Dialpad is continuing to work on a fix with their fax partners. We will update this post as soon as we have additional information.

Original Post:

ITS was notified that the fax service via Dialpad is currently not working. Dialpad is aware of the issue and is working to resolve the issue. Please contact the ITS Helpdesk at helpdesk@denison.edu or by calling 740-587-6395 if there are any questions or concerns.

Protecting data used for college business is a shared responsibility. If you store important files only on your computer hard drive, your data are at risk for loss or corruption – whether from hardware or software failure, virus infection, or theft. To protect important data, please adopt a recommended file storage location or backup approach. Contact the ITS Help Desk for assistance.

At 9:00pm on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 the Denison Help Desk received a report from a user who received an expired certificate when attempting to log into Notebowl. Notebowl was still accessible by clicking “Advanced” and continuing to the site.

Notebowl resolved the issue at 9:30pm.

If you are still experiencing issues in Chrome versions 70-73, please go into your settings and history to clear your cache. If you are on the most recent version of Chrome, you should only need to refresh your browser tab.

If you continue to have issues, please email helpdesk@denison.edu.



Updated Post 5/6/19 7:00PM

The vendor indicated the issue would be resolved by end of day today and the Applicant Tracking system appears to be functioning as expected. Should you continue to experience problems, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Original Post 5/6/19 3:00PM

The Applicant Tracking system is currently not functioning as expected, yielding either an error message or an only partially loaded page. Human Resources is contacting the vendor and this post will be updated as soon as the Applicant Tracking system is restored to normal operation.


Google is constantly working to improve their SPAM detection techniques.This can result in some “false positives” where emails that you do not consider SPAM wind up in your SPAM folder. ITS has received a couple reports of instances of staff finding a small number of legitimate emails in SPAM recently. We recommend you take a quick look through your SPAM folder to see if there are any messages there that you do not consider SPAM. Should you find any, please open the message and choose the “Report Not Spam” button in the bar at the top of the message which explains why the message is in the SPAM folder.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.


7:00 AM 5/1/19 – This issue has been resolved. Calls from those using Dialpad now correctly reach individuals using CBTS phones. If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk.denison.edu.

Original Post:

ITS has received and confirmed a report of calls made from Dialpad to numbers ported to CBTS are returning an error tone or does not connect at all. ITS is working with Dialpad to address and correct the problem. In the meantime, if you are using Dialpad and need to contact someone in the following offices:

Advancement, Annual Fund, Controller’s Office, Finance & Management, First Year Programs, Gift Planning, Major Gifts, Office of the President, and a few other individuals in ITS and Institutional Advancement

Please use your mobile phone as a workaround.

If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk.denison.edu.

On Monday 4/29/19 ITS will be making changes to the “Denison-Guest” wireless network. It will improve the experience for guests of the campus that use Apple devices and “Denison-Guest” while on campus.  After this change is made, when connecting to the “Denison-Guest” network a login page will automatically pop up for the user. Currently the user would need to open a web browser and browse to a web page to prompt the login page. Unfortunately, our setup only allows this for Apple devices for the time being.

If you have additional questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

ITS will be performing network Internet maintenance on Thursday 4/25/19 from 5:30-7:00am which may result in the loss of the Internet connection Campus Wide.

Please do not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work may be lost when the network outages occur.

This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

[Update 4/24/19 4:15pm]

All services are accessible again. There was an issue with Denison authentication server which cause login issue’s with our SAML authenticated services. Here’s the list of services that were affected:

  • Google Apps
  • Notebowl
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Adobe
  • Tableau
  • Interfolio
  • Gartner Research

[Original Post]

ITS got multiple reports that Gmail and Notebowl are temporarily inaccessible through our login.denison.edu page. ITS is working on the solution and will update this post once it’s fixed.