As widely reported in the news, on Thursday 12/13/18 a number of schools, colleges, and businesses reported receiving emails warning of the presence of a bomb and demanding bitcoin payment to stop detonation (see Reuters article). There has been no evidence that these were credible threats.

To the best of our knowledge, these emails were NOT received by Denison community members.

However, due to the rash of recent email scams, especially a number demanding bitcoin payment, ITS wanted to provide a reminder to:

  • NOT click on links or open attachments in any suspicious or threatening email.
  • Report any emails that cause concern to the ITS Help Desk at If immediate concern concerning physical safety is involved, contact the Denison operator at 740-587-0810.
  • In Gmail, use the “Report Phishing” and “Report Spam” options available from the “More” button (3 vertical dots next to the reply button) to report scam emails to Google to aid in detection and prevention of delivery of those types of messages in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or


December edition:

Yes, You Are a Target


OUCH! is the world’s leading, free security awareness newsletter designed for the common computer user. Published every month and in multiple languages, each edition is carefully researched and developed by the SANS Securing The Human team, SANS instructor subject matter experts and team members of the community. Each issue focuses on and explains a specific topic and actionable steps people can take to protect themselves, their family and their organization.

The email titled ” [ACTION REQUIRED] Denison University Policy Guidelines For All Employees” with a from address of “” and “LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT ADAM S. WEINBERG” in the body is NOT legitimate.

If you are using Denison Apps Mail:

Open the message and click the down arrow beside the Reply button and select “Report phishing” in the menu that appears. (Note: if “Report phishing” does not appear as an option and “Report not phishing” appears instead then the message is already flagged as phishing.)

This reports the phishing attack to Google and improves the identification and blocking of future phishing attacks. After you report it, please delete the message.

NOTE: this option is only available in the web (Gmail) interface for Denison Apps. It is not available if you are using Thunderbird, Apple Mail, or another client to access your Denison Apps email.

Please DO NOT RESPOND to this.

Please contact the ITS Help Desk at or 740-587-6395 if you have any questions or concerns.


Update 11/20/18 3:00PM:

The issue is now resolved. If you continue having trouble logging into LastPass, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Original Post 11/20/18 11:00AM:

ITS received and confirmed a report of problems accessing LastPass. The LastPass status page indicates that there is an issue affecting U.S. logins that engineers are currently troubleshooting. This post will be updated as soon as more information is available.

If you experience any issues with Banner today, please clear your cache. To do this in Google Chrome, click on the Chrome menu (3 vertical dots in the upper righthand corner) and then choose “More Tools”, and then “Clear browsing data”. Make sure the Time Range is set to “All time” and that “Cached images and files” is checked and then click on “Clear Data”. For instructions on clearing your cache in other web browsers, see,2817,2480401,00.asp

If you continue to have problems, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Update 11/29/18:

ITS has completed the distribution of 2019 licenses to faculty with 2018 licenses and has notified students of the availability of 2019 licenses if SPSS will be needed beyond 12/29/18. If you have not received a 2019 SPSS license code and need one, please contact the ITS Help Desk at or 740-587-6395.

Update 11/28/18:

ITS has updated the SPSS license server to reflect the 2019 license, so all Denison desktop computers are now receiving the 2019 license. ITS is in the process of distributing individual SPSS licenses to faculty that have 2018 licenses as well as notifying students who have 2018 licenses of the availability of 2019 licenses upon request. That should be complete by end of day 11/29/18.

Original Post:

Denison’s current SPSS licenses expire on 11/30/2018 with a 30-day grace period after that. The renewal agreement has been completed and the 2019 license codes are expected soon. ITS will update the network license server and distribute new codes as soon as they are available – likely by 12/7/18. In the meantime, while you will see a license alert in SPSS you can disregard that. SPSS will continue to function with the current license until 12/29 so there will not be any gap in SPSS availability.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Denison ITS will be releasing security patches and critical updates to Windows computers at 5:00 PM on 11/16/18. Computers may take up to five minutes to apply the updates, once a restart/reboot is initiated.

If you experience any issues, please contact ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or for further assistance.

File and print server updates are complete. Please report any issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or (see for hours).

Original post:
ITS is planning to install latest updates on servers hosting shared network drives (PERSONAL, SHARED, MEDIA, SCRATCH, etc) on Tuesday 11/20/18 between 4:00am and 7:30am. As these updates are being applied, there will be short outages for the above network drives while servers are updated and rebooted to complete installation. Please do not update files stored on the network file servers during these time periods.

Update 11/15/18 5:15PM:

Network access returned as power was restored this afternoon. If you are experiencing any continuing network problems, please report those to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Original Post:

Network access on campus will be spotty during the power outage. AEP’s outage map ( indicates the estimated restoration time as 2pm this afternoon. If you need access to the network, there are generators keeping some network infrastructure up in the following buildings:

Burke, Burton Morgan, Doane Admin (Basement),  Ebaugh, Fellows, Herrick,  Higley (Basement), Olin, Physical Plant, Slayter (2nd floor), and several of the residence halls: Beaver, Crawford, East, Gilpatrick, Huffman (Basement), Monomoy, Sawyer, Shaw, Shepardson (Basement, North end), Brown, Good, Kappa Sig, Morrow, Moshier-Hutchinson, Myers, Pratt, Preston, Sunset House, Taylor, King, Monomoy Annex, Stone, Curtis East and West, Shorney (Basement), and Smith.

Please follow the safety recommendations in the campus emergency alert as you move around campus:

  • Please use extreme caution while navigating campus.  Do not walk in wooded areas and please pay attention to overhead danger. The weight of the ice on trees, poles and overhead lines can result in a sudden collapse posing a serious risk.
  • Several roads on campus have been closed and will reopen when the danger of falling limbs is passed.
  • Presidents Drive will remain closed due to these overhead dangers until the risk has subsided.