RESOLVED – Issues Calling from Dialpad to Denison Phone Numbers Ported to CBTS Today

*Update 5:00 PM 3/20/19 – This issue has been resolved. Calls from those using Dialpad now correctly reach individuals using CBTS phones.

ITS has received and confirmed a report of calls made from Dialpad to numbers ported to CBTS today ringing through the Dialpad app instead of the CBTS phone system. ITS is working with Dialpad to address and correct the problem. In the meantime, if you are using Dialpad and need to contact someone in the following offices:

Advancement, Annual Fund, Controller’s Office, Finance & Management, First Year Programs, Gift Planning, Major Gifts, Office of the President, and a few other individuals in ITS and Institutional Advancement

Please either use your mobile phone or call and leave a voicemail message requesting a callback. The person should receive an email notification with your voicemail and can then call you back.

If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or