Think twice before clicking links in emails! Even from Denison email addresses…

Additional Denison email accounts were compromised overnight and used to send SPAM to other Denison email addresses and to outside email accounts. The SPAM/Phishing email that is most widely circulating right now is titled “Fwd: Important” and simply contains “Important Message” and a link in the body of the email. Please do not click the link!

To learn more about how to identify SPAM/Phishing messages and other important web safety practices, please visit “” and click on the “I Want to StaySafeOnline” item in the menu.

If you clicked on a suspicious link, please change your BigRedID password immediately by going to MyDenison and choosing “My Apps” and then “Change my BigRedID password”.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or