Update 3/20/2021 9:55am:

All maintenance has been successfully completed.

Original Post:

Denison Information Technology Services (ITS) will be applying security patches on Saturday, March 20th, 2021 from 6:00 AM – 10:00 AM EDT that will impact access to Banner and related systems. Users will not be able to access these services listed below during the maintenance period:

Banner Admin Pages
Banner Self Service
Jaggaer (e-procurement)
MyDenison content that relies on Banner data

This post will be updated when the maintenance is complete. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Service Desk at servicedesk@denison.edu or 740-587-6395.

On 3/16/21, the Cyber Division of the FBI released an alert to higher education, indicating a recent increase in a specific ransomware attack targeting institutions in 12 US states thus far, and the United Kingdom. PYSA, also known as Mespinoza, is a malware capable of exfiltrating data (unauthorized movement) and encrypting users’ critical files and data stored on their systems. Actors typically gain access via compromised credentials or through phishing emails, then use exfiltrated data as leverage to elicit ransom payments. Upon malware execution, a detailed ransom message is generated and displayed on the victim’s login or lock screen.

Denison ITS has performed an initial scan of employee computers looking for indications of compromise, and has not found any infected devices thus far. If you have any concerns about your computer related to this alert, please contact the ITS Service Desk for assistance at servicedesk@denison.edu or 740-587-6395.

Please review the following recommendations to reduce the risk of a ransomware attack.


  • Use Google Drive as the location for storage, and backup important files there. This page provides further information.
  • Install/apply updates to your operating system and software as soon as possible after they are released.
  • Ensure antivirus/antimalware software is installed on all computers you use (Denison ITS installs McAfee on all managed computers). Our software download page on MyDenison provides recommendations for personal computers under “McAfee Endpoint Security”.
  • Only use secure networks and avoid using public WiFi networks. If you are an employee working remotely and accessing sensitive information on campus, use our Global Protect VPN to connect securely.
  • Hover over hyperlinks in emails to ensure they are going to where you expect them to go.
  • Do not install software unless you are certain you trust the source.

Some submissions in assignments with the “Convert submissions to Google Docs” option enabled are not being converted. Reports indicate that most student submissions convert properly, but in some cases, there are a few within the class that do not. Notebowl is working with the Google Apps team to get this issue resolved. ITS Notebowl Administrators will post updates when we have more information. 

If you need particular assignments converted in order to grade them, please send a ticket to the ITS Service Desk at servicedesk@denison.edu and include the following: course name, assignment name, names of students whose submissions did not convert. We can send this information to Notebowl and they will restart the conversion for the assignment. Alternatively, you can download the submission and use Microsoft Word’s track changes feature to grade. Then you can upload the Word file back into Notebowl for the student.

Please note: From Friday, March 12th through Sunday, March 14th, ITS is converting to a new service management replacement tool called TOPdesk. There might be a delay in ticket response time during this period. Please see this post on MyDenison for more details.

If you are planning to hold an event via Zoom, Information Technology Services (ITS) has put together two items to answer questions you may have:

These offerings are based on questions and input received from individuals who have hosted Zoom events this academic year. Topics include guidance on webinar vs. meeting, registration and authentication, settings, participant management, and more.

If you have additional questions or would like to provide feedback for these items, please email the ITS Service Desk at servicedesk@denison.edu or schedule a Client Success appointment for a virtual meeting.

The version of the Zoom client on your computer or mobile device and whether or not you are signed into the Zoom client can have a significant impact on your Zoom experience. Zoom is regularly releasing updates to the Zoom Client for Mac, Windows, and mobile devices to add new features, fix bugs, and improve security. Lagging just a couple versions behind can mean you are missing valuable features.

ITS strongly recommends you take a minute to make sure:


  • You must sign in on every device on which you use Zoom including classroom or lab computers. If you have trouble signing in using the Sign in with SSO option, you may not yet have claimed your Denison Zoom license. Please see the “Are You Fully Set Up for Zoom” article.
  • You must follow the steps above to update Zoom on your computer. ITS updates Zoom in classrooms and labs and will be distributing the latest version on Thursday 3/11.  

Here are some of the features released over the past 6 months you may be missing out on if your Zoom client is not up-to-date…

  • Relocated and enhanced attendee view controls for webinars
  • Share and play video files directly into meeting (.mp4 and .mov files at HD and lower resolution only)
  • Select between mono or stereo audio when sharing content with computer sound
  • Enhanced nonverbal feedback and reactions
  • Enhanced co-host privileges over Breakout Rooms
  • Share multiple programs at once
  • Virtual Background support for additional CPUs
  • Self-select Breakout Room
  • High Fidelity Audio mode
  • Custom gallery view organization
  • Multi-pin and multi-spotlight
  • Side-by-side mode with speaker or gallery options when viewing a shared screen

If you have any questions, please see the MyDenison Zoom page for more information and resources or contact the ITS Service Desk at servicedesk@denison.edu or 740-587-6395.

March edition:

Identity Theft



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Update 3/6/2021 8:15am:

All maintenance has been completed successfully.

Original Post:

Denison Information Technology Services (ITS) will be applying Banner security patches and module updates on Saturday, March 6th, 2021 from 6:00 AM – 10:00 AM EST that will impact access to Banner and related systems. Users will not be able to access these services listed below during the maintenance period:

Banner Admin Pages
Banner Self Service
Jaggaer (e-procurement)
MyDenison content that relies on Banner data

This post will be updated when the maintenance is complete. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Service Desk at servicedesk@denison.edu or 740-587-6395.

[Update] Saturday, 2/27/21 – 9:30 am

The issue has been resolved. Please report any issues to the ITS Service Desk at 740-587-6395 or email servicedesk@denison.edu.

Original Post:
ITS noticed that a few network devices in Shepardson Hall causing an unplanned network outage in the building. ITS is looking into the root cause and will update the ticket as soon as there is additional information.

Please contact the ITS Service Desk at 740-587-6395 or email servicedesk@denison.edu if there are any additional questions or concerns.

The maintenance has been completed. Please contact the ITS Service Desk at 740-587-6395 or email servicedesk@denison.edu if you have any issues after this time.

Original post:

ITS is planning to perform maintenance on the server hosting employee PERSONAL network drives (U:) on Thursday 2/25/21 between 6:00am and 6:30am. There will be a short outage for the above network drive and employee printing while the server is rebooted to complete the maintenance. Please do not update files stored on the network file servers during this time period.

Denison Information Technology Services (ITS) will be releasing security patches and critical updates to Windows computers the evening of Tuesday, February 23, 2021. You will be notified when updates are available via a Windows prompt that states, “You need some updates. Please select this message to install.

Note: To install updates during the COVID-19 pandemic from off campus, you must be connected to GlobalProtect VPN. If you are on campus,  you do not need to connect to GlobalProtect VPN to access updates. Additionally, ITS would like to remind you that we do not automatically update your machine. It is your responsibility to run updates by clicking the message above.

ITS recommends you install the updates at your earliest convenience. Updates will take about 30 minutes to install, including a reboot to complete the process.

If you experience any issues or have any questions, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 740-587-6395 or servicedesk@denison.edu.