A few Denison community members have recently received a scam email demanding bitcoin payment from an individual claiming to have their password and pornography viewing history. Sometimes the passwords are ones that have been used by the individual in the past for services outside of Denison, made available from a third-party breach (no Denison system data has been breached). This scam has been popular across higher education over the last few months, with some institutions seeing 100’s of recipients. If you receive this email, feel free to mark it as phishing.
Resolved: Unplanned Outage: Dialpad SMS/ MMS Service
Update: 10/22/2019 1 pm:
ITS was notified by Dialpad that the issue was resolved and SMS service should be working as expected. Please email or call the helpdesk if you experience any issues.
Original Post:
10/22/2018 9:30 am
ITS was notified that the SMS/ MMS service with Dialpad is not working. Incoming and outgoing phone calls will still continue to work as expected. We have reached out to Dialpad to resolve the issue as soon as possible. We will update this page as soon as we have additional information.
Please email or call the helpdesk at helpdesk@denison.edu or 740-587-6395 if you have any questions or concerns or are experiencing additional issues.
Windows updates/security patches will be deployed on 10/19/18
Denison ITS will be releasing security patches and critical updates to Windows computers at 5:00 PM on 10/19/18. Computers may take up to five minutes to apply the updates, once a restart/reboot is initiated.
If you experience any issues, please contact ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu for further assistance.
Completed: Planned maintenance: System maintenance 10/18 and 10/19/2018
[10/19/2018 Update 6:45am]
System updates are complete. Please report any server issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).
[10/18/2018 Update 7:25am]
Done with updates for Thursday, 10/18/2018. We will continue work tomorrow morning.
[Original Post]
ITS will be performing maintenance on systems on Thursday, 10/18/2018 and Friday, 10/19/2018 from 5:00-7:00 AM. While we don’t expect to cause an outage, it would be best to not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work could be lost if a problem occurs.
This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.
RESOLVED – Unplanned Outage: Duo “Unknown Error” Message
Update 10/16 1:45PM
The Duo outage is fully resolved and ITS has reinstated Duo has part of the login process. If you experience any issues, please notify the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.
Update 10/16 11:42AM:
ITS has taken steps to temporarily bypass Duo approvals until Duo reports that service is fully restored. If you experienced the “Unknown error”, please try again now.
Original Post:
ITS has received numerous reports of an “Unknown error” message on the Duo approval screen. Duo is currently investigating and working to restore service as quickly as possible.
Monthly Security Awareness Newsletter – October
October edition:
Email oops, and how to avoid them
OUCH! is the world’s leading, free security awareness newsletter designed for the common computer user. Published every month and in multiple languages, each edition is carefully researched and developed by the SANS Securing The Human team, SANS instructor subject matter experts and team members of the community. Each issue focuses on and explains a specific topic and actionable steps people can take to protect themselves, their family and their organization.
NOTICE: Please Accept “eduroam” Certificate Prompt on Wed. 10/10/18
On Wednesday 10/10/18, any device you have that is connected to eduroam will display a prompt asking you to accept a new certificate. This is a legitimate prompt based on a necessary update to the security certificate associated with eduroam which will take place on 10/10/18 at 8:00AM. The form the prompt takes varies by device. On Macs, after you accept the prompt you might be prompted to enter your computer password so your computer saves your “Certificate Trust Settings”.
This is a one-time action needed because the security certificate associated with “radius.denison.edu” which supports eduroam logins must be renewed. Certificates are issued for designated time periods (now two years).
If you experience any issues, please contact ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu for further assistance.
RESOLVED: Unplanned Outage – Huffman Student Printer Temporarily Unavailable
Updated Post 10/5:
The printer has been repaired and is back in service.
Updated Post 10/4/18:
A service technician assessed the Huffman printer and ordered parts needed for repair. This post will be updated again when the repair is complete. In the meantime, please see the post below for alternate print locations.
Original Post 10/3/18:
Due to an apparent mechanical issue, the Huffman printer – HuffmanLab_Canon355 – is not currently available. A service call has been placed with the vendor and this post will be updated as soon as the issue corrected. In the meantime, please use other student printing locations. Always available printing locations include Fellows 100, the Library Learning Commons, and the Curtis lab. Depending upon class schedule, Knapp 105 and Higley 029 may also be available.
Reminder: if you encounter issues with computers or printers in Denison’s computer labs, please report the issue to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.
Resolved: Denison Windows Computers: Collection Data Form May Appear – Click “Submit” to Close
Update 10/8:
ITS has not received any further reports of the Collection Data Form appearing.
Updated Post 10/5:
ITS received additional reports on 10/4 and a setting was changed to prevent the appearance of the Collection Data Form. If you continue to see it, please report it to the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@denison.edu.
Original Post 10/3:
ITS has received a couple of reports indicating that a small Zenworks window titled “Collection Data Form” appears each day. ITS is investigating the issue. If you see this window, please click “Submit” to close it and continue working. Please also report it to the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@denison.edu and include the Denison inventory sticker number (starts with “CS”) – that will assist with our investigation and also allow us to notify you when the problem is resolved.
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month!
Everyone has a role in protecting the internet to make it safer and more secure for all. It is “Our Shared Responsibility.” Additionally, all Denison employees and students have a role in protecting internal data, systems and all aspects of university cybersecurity. This month we will share important cybersecurity lessons and encourage you to apply them year round. Check out the NCSAM site for more information. #CyberAware