Google released a new look and features for Gmail several months ago and began encouraging users to switch. The “old look” has now gone away entirely. While you can no longer revert to the “classic” Denison Apps email interface, you can adjust your inbox display settings by clicking the Settings icon at the top right of your Inbox list and selecting “Display density” and adjusting as desired. To learn more about the new features, please see

If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Update 11/1/18 1:00PM:

The issue has now been resolved. Dialpad diagnosed the issue and identified that 4 accounts were impacted including the 2 accounts that originally reported the issue. Those accountholders have been updated and ITS is reaching out to the other 2 accountholders to ensure that their Dialpad service is now working as well. If you are still experiencing Dialpad issues, please report that to the ITS Help Desk at

Original Post:

ITS has received two reports of individuals who were logged out of Dialpad and have been unable to log back in. ITS is working with Dialpad to diagnose and correct the issue as quickly as possible. If you have any difficulties using Dialpad, please report them to the ITS Help Desk at

Update 10/16 1:45PM

The Duo outage is fully resolved and ITS has reinstated Duo has part of the login process. If you experience any issues, please notify the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Update 10/16 11:42AM:

ITS has taken steps to temporarily bypass Duo approvals until Duo reports that service is fully restored. If you experienced the “Unknown error”, please try again now.

Original Post:

ITS has received numerous reports of an “Unknown error” message on the Duo approval screen. Duo is currently investigating and working to restore service as quickly as possible.

Updated Post 10/5:

The printer has been repaired and is back in service.

Updated Post 10/4/18:

A service technician assessed the Huffman printer and ordered parts needed for repair. This post will be updated again when the repair is complete. In the meantime, please see the post below for alternate print locations.

Original Post 10/3/18:

Due to an apparent mechanical issue, the Huffman printer – HuffmanLab_Canon355 – is not currently available. A service call has been placed with the vendor and this post will be updated as soon as the issue corrected. In the meantime, please use other student printing locations. Always available printing locations include Fellows 100, the Library Learning Commons, and the Curtis lab. Depending upon class schedule, Knapp 105 and Higley 029 may also be available.

Reminder: if you encounter issues with computers or printers in Denison’s computer labs, please report the issue to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Update 10/8:

ITS has not received any further reports of the Collection Data Form appearing.

Updated Post 10/5:

ITS received additional reports on 10/4 and a setting was changed to prevent the appearance of the Collection Data Form. If you continue to see it, please report it to the ITS Help Desk at

Original Post 10/3:

ITS has received a couple of reports indicating that a small Zenworks window titled “Collection Data Form” appears each day. ITS is investigating the issue. If you see this window, please click “Submit” to close it and continue working. Please also report it to the ITS Help Desk at and include the Denison inventory sticker number (starts with “CS”) – that will assist with our investigation and also allow us to notify you when the problem is resolved.

Update 9/24/18 6:00PM

There have been three additional events reported by employees since 9/14/18. Sometimes the previous profile is still recoverable computer, but sometimes it is deleted. We are working with our vendor to determine the cause of these events.

IMPORTANT:  If you only save files on the local hard drive of your computer, please adopt an alternate recommended file storage location or backup approach.


Update 9/14/18 11:50AM

There has been one potential new event reported on 9/11/18. We have enabled additional logging that will help us better troubleshoot should any further events occur. NOTE:  If you only save files on the local hard drive of your computer, please plan to adopt an alternate recommended file storage location or backup approach.


Update 9/11/18 9:20AM

There have been no further reported issues. ITS has worked with those affected to address the issue.


Update 9/4/18 5:30PM

ITS has identified what is believed to be the root cause of the issue and corrected it. Please notify the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or if you log into a Windows computer you’ve recently used and do not see what you expect (missing files on the desktop/missing bookmarks).

ITS is working with those affected by the issue to address it. If you believe your computer may have been affected and you have not yet reported it, please notify the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or and do not log out of or shut down your computer. You can use the “Windows” and “L” keys to lock it.


Original Post 9/4/18 10:00AM

ITS has received a handful of reports of individuals who have found upon logging in to their Denison Windows computer that their account appears “brand new”. There are no files on the Desktop or in other folders like Documents, custom settings for backgounds or apps on the task bar are no longer present, and there are no custom bookmarks in web browsers.

If you experience this issue, please report it to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or as soon as possible including the Denison inventory sticker number (white or silver label with number prefaced by “CS”) and when you first noticed the issue.

You may continue working but please do NOT log out of or shut down your computer. If you leave your computer, please use the “Windows” and “L” keys and select “Lock”. When you return, you can press the spacebar and enter your password to unlock your computer.

This post will be updated as soon as we have more information.

Updated Post 9/10/18:

In working with the original reporters, the issue was isolated to being connected to “Denison-Guest” instead of “eduroam”. Once the individuals selected “eduroam”, the problem resolved. Please note that a connection to Denison-Guest requires re-registration every 48 hours to continue Internet access so members of the Denison community should NOT connect to “Denison-Guest” as it will not yield a reliable long-term connection. If you have any difficulty connecting to eduroam, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Original Post 8/31/18:

ITS has received 3 reports in the last 18 hours of an “Invalid Certificate” error when trying to approve logins through Duo. All were on iPhones.

If you experience that error, the immediate workaround is to use a passcode:

  • On the Duo approval screen on your computer, select the “Call Me” or “Enter a Passcode” option instead of “Send Me a Push”.
  • If you choose “Enter a Passcode”, click the “Text me new codes” button in the blue bar that appears to receive passcodes via an SMS message. (The passcode generated by the Duo Mobile app on your phone may not work.)

A Duo support article indicates that is likely a network-related error. To troubleshoot:

  • Please check your iPhone to see if you have WiFi turned on. If so, confirm that it is connected to “eduroam” and NOT “Denison-Guest”. If you are not already connected to eduroam, please connect to eduroam using your Denison email address as your username and your Denison password.
  • If WiFi is on and connected to eduroam and you are able to get to web pages in a browser on your phone, please try turning WiFi off and see if the problem persists.

Please report the issue and your findings from the above troubleshooting steps to the ITS Help Desk at


Update 3:00PM:

Duo has been reinstated into the login process for all services. If you experience any problems logging in, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Update 2:00PM:

The Duo service outage was resolved by Duo at ~1:00PM and ITS has been testing on a single internal service to ensure that logins are processing normally. ITS will reinstate Duo into the login process for MyDenison and other web-based services this afternoon between 2:30-3:00PM.

Update 11:49AM:

Duo has announced that there is a service issue and they are working to correct it as soon as possible. ITS has taken steps to remove the dependency on Duo temporarily until the issue is resolved. At this point, you should be able to log in to MyDenison, Denison Apps, Slate, Banner and Self Service, etc.

Original post 11:27AM:

ITS has received a number of reports indicating that the Duo approval page is not loading. Diagnosis is underway and this post will be updated as soon as more information is available.


Update 8/8/18 5:05pm:

Today’s maintenance on NoteBowl course display is complete, and courses should be populated with current Banner information. Please report any system issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see for hours).

Local maintenance is underway on Denison’s system connection with our social learning platform NoteBowl to prepare for the upcoming academic year. Please note that you may not see your current or upcoming courses while the maintenance is underway. ITS is working to complete the maintenance and restore full access as quickly as possible.
If you need immediate access to continue your course preparation work, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or and provide the course name(s) and number(s) of the required courses.
This post will be updated as soon as the maintenance is complete.

If you are approving your login through Duo every time you log into Denison web-based services like MyDenison or Denison Apps, you don’t need to! Duo provides a “Remember Me for 30 Days” option. When you use this, you only have to approve your login through Duo once every 30 days for that device/browser. (It is unique to each device/browser combination.)

See this quick video from the ITS Help Desk to see it in action!

Have any Duo questions or problems? Contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or