UPDATE (9/24/18) – Reports of “Blank” User Profiles for Existing Users on Denison Windows Computers

Update 9/24/18 6:00PM

There have been three additional events reported by employees since 9/14/18. Sometimes the previous profile is still recoverable computer, but sometimes it is deleted. We are working with our vendor to determine the cause of these events.

IMPORTANT:  If you only save files on the local hard drive of your computer, please adopt an alternate recommended file storage location or backup approach.


Update 9/14/18 11:50AM

There has been one potential new event reported on 9/11/18. We have enabled additional logging that will help us better troubleshoot should any further events occur. NOTE:  If you only save files on the local hard drive of your computer, please plan to adopt an alternate recommended file storage location or backup approach.


Update 9/11/18 9:20AM

There have been no further reported issues. ITS has worked with those affected to address the issue.


Update 9/4/18 5:30PM

ITS has identified what is believed to be the root cause of the issue and corrected it. Please notify the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu if you log into a Windows computer you’ve recently used and do not see what you expect (missing files on the desktop/missing bookmarks).

ITS is working with those affected by the issue to address it. If you believe your computer may have been affected and you have not yet reported it, please notify the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu and do not log out of or shut down your computer. You can use the “Windows” and “L” keys to lock it.


Original Post 9/4/18 10:00AM

ITS has received a handful of reports of individuals who have found upon logging in to their Denison Windows computer that their account appears “brand new”. There are no files on the Desktop or in other folders like Documents, custom settings for backgounds or apps on the task bar are no longer present, and there are no custom bookmarks in web browsers.

If you experience this issue, please report it to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu as soon as possible including the Denison inventory sticker number (white or silver label with number prefaced by “CS”) and when you first noticed the issue.

You may continue working but please do NOT log out of or shut down your computer. If you leave your computer, please use the “Windows” and “L” keys and select “Lock”. When you return, you can press the spacebar and enter your password to unlock your computer.

This post will be updated as soon as we have more information.