Unplanned Service Issue – Banner “Service Invocation Error” and Related Problems

ITS has received a number of reports from individuals who are finding that Banner unexpectedly stops functioning and closes in the middle of use, often with a “Service Invocation Error”.

If you are experiencing this problem, please report it to the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@denison.edu including the name(s) of the form(s) you are using when the issue occurs.

To minimize the occurrence of the problem:

  1. When you are finished using Banner, make sure to “Sign Out” by clicking the padlock icon in the leftmost panel before you close the tab/window. Do NOT just “x” out of the tab/window!
  2. Please use an incognito window in Chrome (click the Chrome menu icon (3 vertical dots) in the top right corner and select “New Incognito Window” from the menu that appears. This will ensure you have a “fresh” browser experience without any old cached browser files that may cause problems.
  3. Please do not use bookmarks to access Banner. Instead type “banner.denison.edu” into the browser address bar.

ITS is working to diagnose and correct the root issue. Updates will be posted here.

For any further questions or issues, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.