UPDATE 4:38am 9/27/2017: NoteBowl load times are back to normal. As always, please report any issues you encounter to helpdesk@denison.edu.

UPDATE 3:01pm: NoteBowl is loading, but it is still slow. Once you navigate to your course or group, you are able to move within the course to upload documents and create or submit assignments. We are working with NoteBowl to resolve the slow loading. Updates will be posted here as soon as it is resolved.

9/26/2017 10:24am – NoteBowl is currently loading slowly. We are working to resolve the issue. Updates will be posted here as soon as service is restored.

A new major version of Java – Java 9 – is being released. You may soon see prompts to upgrade Java.

If you use Internet-Native Banner, please DO NOT UPGRADE Java. Banner will not work with Java 9.

If you receive an upgrade prompt, choose the “Run” or “Later” option and – if available – check the checkbox that says “Do not prompt me again for this version”.

If you inadvertently update to Java 9, you will need to roll back to Java 8 if you need to use Internet-Native Banner. Please contact the ITS Help Desk to request assistance doing so.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

At around 4:30pm, the ITS Help Desk received reports that employee printing was not working for several users on campus. ITS identified the issue and restarted the affected service at 4:32pm to restore printing for employees. Please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu if you still experience any printing issues.

Another phishing attempt titled “Alerts” pretending to be from “My Denison” is a scam.

If you are using Denison Apps Mail:

Open the message and click the down arrow beside the Reply button and select “Report phishing” in the menu that appears. (Note: if “Report phishing” does not appear as an option and “Report not phishing” appears instead then the message is already flagged as phishing.)

This reports the phishing attack to Google and improves the identification and blocking of future phishing attacks. After you report it, please delete the message.

NOTE: this option is only available in the web (Gmail) interface for Denison Apps. It is not available if you are using Thunderbird, Apple Mail, or another client to access your Denison Apps email.

Please DO NOT RESPOND to or click links in this or any emails that request computer account or other personal information. They are an attempt to steal, at minimum, your email or other computer account, at maximum, your identity.

If you replied to it in any fashion, please visit the ITS Help Desk Online FAQ about what to do if you suspect your account may be compromised and follow all the steps listed:

Please contact the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@denison.edu or 740-587-6395 if you have any questions or concerns.

Update 9/21/17 6:50am:

The network updates are complete. Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Original message:

ITS will be performing network maintenance on Thursday 9/21/2017 from 5:00-7:00AM which may result in interruptions of the wired or wireless network on South campus. Buildings to be affected include: 118 N Mulberry, Ace Morgan Theatre, Burton Music, Bryant, Burke, Cinema House, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Doane Dance, King Hall, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Monomoy Annex, Monomoy Place, Mulberry House, Open House, Steam Plant, and Stone Hall. Please do not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work may be lost when the network outages occur.

This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Update: (11:28 AM)

The Banner maintenance and upgrades have been completed.

If you encounter any issues with Banner or Self-Service Banner (SSB) after these upgrades, please contact the Help Desk @ x6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

ITS will be performing Banner (INB) and Self-Service Banner (SSB) maintenance, this Saturday, 9/23 from 5:00 AM to Noon. Banner, Self Service and all related systems such as Xtender, Jaggaer (formerly SciQuest) e-procurement, Cognos, and portions of MyDenison that rely on Banner data will be unavailable during this maintenance window.

When the maintenance work is completed, this post will be updated with additional information.

Update: (7:43 AM)

The Banner maintenance and upgrades have been completed.

If you encounter any issues with Banner or Self-Service Banner (SSB) after these upgrades, please contact the Help Desk @ x6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

ITS will be performing Banner (INB) and Self-Service Banner (SSB) maintenance and upgrades, this Thursday, 9/21 from 5:30 AM to 7 AM. Banner, Self Service and all related systems such as Xtender, Jaggaer (formerly SciQuest) e-procurement, Cognos, and portions of MyDenison that rely on Banner data will be unavailable during this maintenance window.

When the maintenance work is completed, this post will be updated with additional information.

September edition:

Password Managers

(Note:  Denison ITS recommends LastPass)


OUCH! is the world’s leading, free security awareness newsletter designed for the common computer user. Published every month and in multiple languages, each edition is carefully researched and developed by the SANS Securing The Human team, SANS instructor subject matter experts and team members of the community. Each issue focuses on and explains a specific topic and actionable steps people can take to protect themselves, their family and their organization.

Update 9/14/17 7:00am:

The network updates are complete. Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Original message:

ITS will be performing network maintenance on Thursday 9/14/2017 from 5:00-7:00AM which may result in interruptions of the wired or wireless network on West and North campuses and in Facilities Services. Buildings to be affected include:  Herrick/Ebaugh, Facilities Services, Pump House, Beta, Brown, Chamberlin, Curtis East/West, Elm, Good, Hayes/Wright, Kappa Sig, Lampson Lodge, Morrow, Moshier Hutchinson, Myers, Pratt, Preston, Rose, Sigma Chi, Schaff, Shorney, Smith, Sunset House, Taylor, and the Biological Reserve.

Please do not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work may be lost when the network outages occur.

This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

What is the Equifax data breach?

On September 7, 2017, Equifax CEO Rick Smith announced that on July 29, 2017 Equifax suffered a data breach between May and July 2017. The breach may have included the personal credit information of 143 million Americans, including social security numbers, birthdates, addresses, driver’s license numbers and credit account information. As a point of comparison, there are only about 126 million households in America.

What does this mean for me?

If a malicious actor were to get your personal information, they could sell it, or use it to impersonate you. They could open credit accounts in your name, and use them for illegal means. This could lead to lowering your credit score, or having charges pressed against you for non-payment. It is a serious breach, but we are all in this together.

What can I do to protect myself?

  • Consider a credit monitoring/protection service – Equifax has a website, www.equifaxsecurity2017.com, where you can check to see if your record is impacted. After you enter your last name and last 6 digits of your social security number (SSN) it will tell you whether your personal information was part of the breach. Afterward, it will give you the opportunity to enroll in TrustedID Premier*. Based on the number of enrollments, they will give you an enrollment date. On your enrollment date, you will have to return to the link they gave you and continue through the enrollment process. Once enrolled, Equifax will monitor your credit and alert you if there is a problem. *NOTICE:  The arbitration clause and class action waiver included in the TrustedID Premier Terms of Use applies to the free credit file monitoring and identity theft protection products, and not the cybersecurity incident.
  • Setup your personal account on SSA.gov – The stolen information from this breach could potentially be used to open an account with the SSA and perpetrate tax fraud. We recommend creating an SSA account as a preemptive measure.
  • Consider freezing your credit accounts – A freeze tells the four major credit agencies that your credit report should not be shared and a new line of credit should not be opened when requested. You can unfreeze your account with a PIN if you want to take out a loan in the future. In order to freeze your credit, you must notify each of the major credit bureaus. Brian Krebs, a renowned information security professional has a great post that covers this topic in detail.
  • Check your credit report annually – The Ohio Attorney General website has more information.

What if I have more questions?

In addition to information provided on www.equifaxsecurity2017.com, Equifax also has a toll free number setup, 1-866-447-7559, although some callers are reporting a fast busy signal due to high call volume.