
The MyDenison server update work was completed by 6PM on 8/27. If you experience problems with MyDenison, please report them to the ITS Help Desk.

Original Post:

At 5:30PM, ITS will make adjustments to the MyDenison servers to address availability and performance issues that occurred today. MyDenison should be available again by 6:00PM.

During this time period, if you have need to check your class list/course schedule, confirm your registration, or provide emergency contact information you can access DU Self Service directly at http://web4prod.denison.edu. Your UserID is your D-number.  If you do not know your Self Service PIN, you can reset it at www.denison.edu/its and click the “How to Change Your Password” link. Additional services may be accessed directly via these URLs:

Update 8/28/13 8AM:

Updates to the MyDenison server environment were made on 8/27/13 in order to address the issues experienced earlier in the day. If you continue to experience problems with MyDenison, please report them to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Update 8/27/13 3:15PM

MyDenison is experiencing significant slowdowns – you may experience a lengthy delay in getting to my.denison.edu. If you are using one of the below listed services, you may wish to access the service directly. ITS is working to address this issue.

Update 8/27/13 1:30PM:

MyDenison is now available. If you continue to experience any issues, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Original Post:

ITS has received a number of reports if difficulties loading MyDenison. ITS is working to correct the problem.  In the meantime, if you have need to check your class list/course schedule, confirm your registration, or provide emergency contact information you can access DU Self Service directly at http://web4prod.denison.edu. Your UserID is your D-number.  If you do not know your Self Service PIN, you can reset it at www.denison.edu/its and click the “How to Change Your Password” link.

The ITS Help Desk will be open on Sunday 8/25 from 11am-5pm and on Monday 8/26 – Wednesday 8/28 from 8am-6pm. If you have any computer/mobile device questions or problems, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Phone: 740-587-6395

Email:  helpdesk@denison.edu

In Person:  Fellows 100A

On Sunday 8/25 from 11am-5pm, ITS will also have staff available outside the Curtis Service Center Entrance and in Fellows 100 to assist first year students.

STUDENTS: In MyDenison, select the “Campus Resources” tab and then “Information Technology Services” and “Guide for Students” for information on connecting to Denison resources.

Updated Post 9:00AM:

Windows logins are now being processed. If you experience any issues, please contact the ITS Help Desk.

Original Post:

ITS has received a number of reports of issues logging in to Windows computers with a message saying “Processing Login to User Source”.  Investigation is underway and updates will be posted here. If you are experiencing the problem and would like to receive an update when it is resolved, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Updated 08/22/13 @ 6:20am: the scheduled maintenance is complete.
Updated: the maintenance has been postponed till Thur, 08/22/13 between 5am and 7:30am

ITS is planning to install latest updates tomorrow morning on Novell servers.  As these updates are being applied, there will be brief outages for all Novell file and print services between 5am-7:30am while servers are rebooted to finish installation.

ITS is working to diagnose and correct Mac login issues that have been reported both on-campus and off-campus. If you experience an issue logging in to your Mac, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

A number of messages that were sent on August 6th and 7th via Denison listservs and from various systems (like the Global Access for DU Self-Service system or the Lanier “Scan to Email” function) were delayed and were just released on August 15th.
This occurred because of a prolonged cleanup process related to a hijacked user account being used to send a huge amount of spam that was identified on 8/6/13. While most of the valid messages were identified and released by 8/9/13, another subset were identified and released yesterday 8/15.  At this point, the cleanup process is complete and all messages believed to be valid have been released for delivery.

Late last week and again early this week a number of email messages sent to Denison mailing lists (for example, DU_FacStaff) appeared with *** UNCHECKED *** at the front of the email subject. Please disregard the notation – these are legitimate Denison email messages.
This notation occurred because of a failure of the virus scanning software on the Denison server that processes listserv messages and indicated the message had not been checked for viruses. The problem has been corrected and should not recur.
If you have any questions or see this appear on a message dated 8/15/13 or later, please let the ITS Help Desk know at helpdesk@denison.edu.