
DU_Faculty/Staff has been restored. Effected areas included Fellows Hall and parts of Athletics. The issue was due to a configuration error that has now been corrected.


Original Post:

The “DU_Faculty/Staff” wireless network broadcast in select campus locations is currently unavailable. Please use the “denison” wireless network while we work to restore the service.

Update: Maintenance completed.

Between 6:30 and 6:40 AM, ITS will be performing routine maintenance to the Denison BigRedID Login infrastructure. During this maintenance period users may not be able to login to BigRedID based services such as Denison Apps, MyDenison, and other services.

This post will be updated when work is completed. If you experience login issues with BigRedID based services after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

iModules, the website service that hosts our DenisonEverywhere alumni pages  has experienced service disruptions throughout the day.  The iModules company reported earlier in the day: “We continue to experience effects of the cyber attack that began this morning and is affecting U.S.-hosted Encompass sites. Despite intermittent availability, outages continue.”

The service is currently available

The planned maintenance for 2/12/14 was completed. Continued maintenance is expected in Herrick to complete the project.



Installation of new networking equipment will begin in Herrick Performance Hall on 2/12/14 at 1:30PM. This will include installation of a networking box, a network switch and cable runs for new wireless access points. The work will be preformed after regularly scheduled classes and the building has been reserved for ITS maintenance from 1:30PM to 5:00PM.



Due to priority tasks this work will be delayed until Wendesday, 2/12/14.


Original Post:

Installation of new networking equipment will begin in Herrick Performance Hall on 2/7/14 at 8:00am. This will include installation of a networking box, a network switch and cable runs for new wireless access points. While work will begin at 8:00AM it will not interrupt the regularly scheduled classes. Work will continue throughout the day until completed.

There was a short disruption to our Blackboard service from @12:50 – 1:10 p.m. this afternoon. The University of Cincinnati had a problem with their firewall.  The problem has been resolved.  If you experience any problems logging into Blackboard, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 740.587.6395.


The site was available again by 9AM 0n 2/12/14.

Original Post:

The vendor who provides the denison.onthehub.com web site for distribution of Microsoft software for student, faculty, and staff personally owned machines has announced they will be performing maintenance this Wed., 2/12/14. It will begin at 7AM and may last for up to 2 hours and the site will be unavailable during this time. Please try the site again after 9AM.

Update 2/3/14 3:30PM:

The denison.onthehub.com web site is now available.

Original Post:

The “denison.onthehub.com” web site that distributes Microsoft products for student, faculty, and staff use on personally owned computers is currently unavailable due to vendor system issues.  The vendor reports that they anticipate being able to restore service by 4PM this afternoon.