The ODS upgrade is complete. Some post upgrade work will continue on the back-end.

As always, if you encounter any issues, please contact the Help Desk at x6395 or by email at helpdesk@denison.edu.


As planned, ITS will be upgrading to ODS 8.4.1 this weekend, starting on Thursday, July 17. We expect to be back up in Production on Monday, July 21st.

Here are some important facts about the ODS upgrade:

  • We will clone (copy) ODSPROD to ODSTEST on Weds, July 16th in preparation for the upgrade.
  • All scheduled reports from ODSPROD will be suspended for the upgrade outage.
  • On Thursday morning, you will still have access to your Cognos reports; however, when you log into Cognos (Production), the queries and reports will be setup to run against the ODSTEST environment.  Important: This ODSTEST environment will NOT be refreshed during the upgrade outage. All Cognos reports run during the upgrade period will use cloned Banner data that will be current as of noon on Wednesday, (7/16.)
  • We will be working on this ODS upgrade all weekend.
  • On Monday morning we expect to be up and running against a refreshed, upgraded ODSPROD environment.

Update 7/17/14 7:05am   Completed.  If you experience issues connecting to the network, please contact the ITS Helpdesk.

Original post:

On Thursday, 7/17/14, network maintenance will be performed in Burton Morgan between the hours of 5:00AM and 7:00AM. A code upgrade on network equipment in this location will cause network outages for Burton Morgan and the Safety and Security office.

Update: Due to unforeseen circumstances the wireless outage did not take place until 1:45PM. The outage lasted roughly 3 minutes. If you are in residential locations and find that you are unable to connect to the wireless network please contact the help desk.

Maintenance will be performed on residential wireless devices today at 1:00PM to enable backup processes. This will be a brief outage of 5 to 15 minutes. An update will be posted to netnotes once this task is completed.

ITS will be making changes to the campus firewalls between 5:00AM and 7:00AM on Tuesday, July 15, 2014. During this time there will be brief interruptions to Internet traffic from on-campus and off-campus access to on-campus resources, such as MyDenison.

Update 7/2/2014

Update work has finished in Elm, Hayes and Wright.  The wireless in these buildings should be functional at this time.  If you are experiencing a problem, please contact the Helpdesk at extension 6395.

Original post:

All wireless access points are down in Elm, Hayes and Wright.  The problem has been reported to support.  Updates will be posted here.

Update 1:30 PM

ITS has identified and repaired the hardware associated with the FOCUS system outage. The service has been restored and is available for general use.

Update 12:30 PM

ITS has identified and repaired the hardware associated with the FOCUS system outage. The service has been restored and ITS is currently working with Finance to ensure that year-end closing is processing as expected.  When those processes are complete, ITS will issue another update.

Update 8:00AM:

ITS is continuing to work to restore the FOCUS system. An update will be posted here and users will be notified when the service is restored. Until then, ITS requests that if you know that a Banner job you are submitting is a FOCUS job, you hold off on submitting it.

Original Post 6:00AM:

The server and service running the FOCUS system (OPUS) has experienced a failure. ITS is continuing to work the issue and restore the service as quickly as possible.

(Please note that all FOCUS jobs, including ones that effect Finance Year-End closing will be impacted until the service is restored.)