The email from “Kovendi Zoltan <>” with a subject of “Warning! Your mailbox is almost full.” is a scam. Please do not click on the link in the message.

Please delete and DO NOT RESPOND to this or any emails that request computer account or other personal information. They are an attempt to steal, at minimum, your email or other computer account, at maximum, your identity.

Again, this a fake email and should be deleted. If you replied to it in any fashion, please contact the ITS Help Desk at or 740-587-6395 for advice on steps to take as a victim of a phishing attack.

Due to an issue with the Blackboard login service, some students may have been unable to log in to Blackboard between 9pm Sunday 2/19 and 7am Monday 2/20. The problem has been corrected. If you experience a problem logging in to Blackboard, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or