Update: 11/14/2016 1:45 pm

This issue has been resolved. If you continue to face any issues please contact the helpdesk at 740-587-6395 or by email at helpdesk@denison.edu

Monday 11/14/2016: 10:00 am

We have been informed that incoming calls are not ringing on the Dialpad deskphones and can be answered only from the Dialpad application on your computer.

We have informed Dialpad of the issue and are working towards resolving this issue. If you are facing this issue, please try the following:

  1. Navigate to “Settings” on your deskphone
  2. Press “Reboot” to reboot the phone. Press “OK” to confirm the reboot.

We will update this post as soon as have an update. Please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 740-587-6395 or email us at helpdesk@denison.edu if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you.

Update 10/19/2016 11:30 am

We were informed that as of 11.30 am this morning, the issue seems to have resolved.

The rectifier at the switch tripped and a reset resolved the issue. All phones should now be functional.

Please let us know if you have any issues by calling 740-587-6395 or email us at helpdesk@denison.edu

Thank you

Tuesday 10/18/2016 10.30 am

We were informed this morning that the entire PBX (old Telephone system) seems to be down. During this period, all phone lines to the old phones will be dead (no dial tone).  However, Dialpad is functional and can be used to make and receive phone calls without any issues.

We will update Netnotes as soon as we have more information.

Please let us know if you face any issues by calling 740-587-6395 or email us at helpdesk@denison.edu

Thank you

Monday 10/3/2016 4:30 pm

There was Dialpad outage earlier today which affected call routing to the Dialpad data center. The outage lasted around 45 minutes, from 2:45 PM to 3:30 PM EST. We received many reports of call quality or call connection issues during this time period. The outage would have contributed to a multitude of issues, ranging from inability to connect calls to very long ringing and/or pick-up.

The outage was a human process error, associated with a maintenance window – all traffic has been restored and operations are once again stable. Dialpad will continue monitoring to see if any residual issues arise.

If you continue to experience Dialpad issues, please report them to the ITS help desk at 740-587-6395 or email us at helpdesk@denison.edu

Update: Friday 9/2/2016 11:00 am

As of 5:00 pm on 9/1/16, the problem relating to Dialpad performing slowly when placing or receiving calls seems to have been resolved.

Please continue to rate any new one-way audio calls as 1-star in Dialpad, so that we can determine if there are any other issues. You can also report any issues by calling the helpdesk at 740-587-6395 or emailing us at helpdesk@denison.edu

Thursday 9/1/2016 12:30 pm

ITS has received reports that suggest that the following issues can currently be seen on Dialpad:

1. Slow response time on answering calls
This issue would result in a call coming in, when clicking on answer the slow response time of the app causes the calls to be missed.
2. “Gray Screen”
This issue can be seen mostly in mac’s for outgoing calls, where when an outgoing call is made, it just shows up as a grey screen with dots at the bottom. This screen indicates that the Dialpad app is trying to establish a connection but cannot succeed (it succeeds when screen turns blue and the counter starts).
We are working with Dialpad to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Updates will be posted here as soon as they are available.
If you are on Dialpad and are asked to rate the call, please rate the call with a single star and provide details as to what are the issues that you are facing. Please do let us know if you are facing any other issues by calling the helpdesk at 740-587-6395 or emailing us at helpdesk@denison.edu

Update 8/12/16 6:50am:

The network updates are complete. Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Original Post:
The wireless network “denison” is being phased out on August 12th in favor of the following two wireless networks:
  • eduroam – Global WiFi roaming for academia
    • A secure wireless network for Denison students, faculty and staff, as well as visitors from other eduroam member institutions
  • Denison Guest – Campus public network
    • An open wireless network for Denison guests or devices that are unable to use eduroam
ITS encourages you to connect to eduroam
(If you are not on campus, no worries – you can do this as soon as you return to campus.) *Make sure that you enter your BigRedID with the @denison.edu, when entering your eduroam credentials.

Please do not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work may be lost when the network outages occur.

This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Update 8/9/16 7:00am:

The network updates are complete. Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Original Post:

ITS will be performing network maintenance on Tuesday 8/9/16 from 5:00-7:00am which may result in the loss of the wired or wireless network in the following locations.

Burton Morgan

Please do not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work may be lost when the network outages occur.

This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Update 7/22/16 1:30pm

The network gear is now running on a generator for west and north campus. The generator will power the gear through the evening into tomorrow. Gear should be moved back to building power on Saturday 7/23/16.

Update 7/22/16 12:45:

Due to electrical work being completed in Curtis, the networking gear was transferred to a temporary generator. This has not been a smooth transition causing one of our core network devices to reboot multiple times. As of now the gear seems to be back online and stabilized.

Original Post:

Technical services has noticed disruptions from equipment on the network and are investigating. We will have an update as soon as possible. Please contact the Help Desk x6395 if you are currently experiencing network issues.

Update 7/19/16 7:00am:

The network updates are complete. Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Original Post:

ITS will be performing network maintenance on Tuesday 7/19/16 from 5:00-7:00 am which may result in the loss of the wired or wireless network in the following locations:

Olin Science Hall

Sigma Chi

Please do not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work may be lost when the network outages occur.

This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Update (6/27/16 8.30 am)

The network updates are complete. Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Original Post:

ITS will be performing network maintenance on Wednesday 6/27/16 from 5:00-7:00 am which may result in the loss of the wired or wireless network in the following locations.

Burton Morgan 5th Floor

Samson Talbot 3rd Floor

Please do not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work may be lost when the network outages occur. This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Update (6/22/16 7.30 am)

The network updates are complete. Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).


Original Post:

ITS will be performing network maintenance on Wednesday 6/22/16 from 5:00-7:00am which may result in the loss of the wired or wireless network in the following locations.




Burton Music

Please do not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work may be lost when the network outages occur.

This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.