If you are seeing a pop-up message on your computer saying that “Google Drive for Mac/PC is going away soon”, then you are running the Drive for Mac/PC Sync Client and need to take action to move to Google’s new solution “Drive File Stream”. If you are NOT seeing this message, this does not apply to you!
On Saturday, Google will be shutting down the “Google Drive for Mac/PC” sync app in favor of the “Drive File Stream” app. if you are still using “Google Drive for Mac/PC”, the files in the “Google Drive” folder on your computer will no longer sync with Google Drive online. Those files will not disappear from your computer, but the changes you make to them will no longer be reflected in the versions stored in Google Drive online. Likewise, changes made to the files online will not be reflected in the copies on your computer.
ACTION REQUIRED! You should move to Drive File Stream right away. Because “Drive File Stream” and “Google Drive for Mac/PC” interact with your computer very differently, there are a number of steps involved to transition completely and ensure you do not lose data or consume unnecessary space on your computer (and potentially run out of space).
For a high-level transition overview and links to detailed instructions for Mac and PC, see http://apps.denison.edu/helpdesk/faq5723
If you have any questions or problems or would like to set up an appointment to walk through the transition with an ITS staff member, please contact the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@denison.edu or 740-587-6395.