ITS will be making a change to the wireless environment on Thursday morning 11/15 between 5 and 7:30am. During this time, wireless equipment will be unavailable for short periods of time. If you experience problems connecting to wireless after 7:30am, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Update – 9:40AM:

The print release system problem has been corrected. Please report any further issues with lab printing to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Original Post:

ITS has confirmed that the print release system is currently not displaying print jobs so students are unable to print to lab printers.  ITS is working to correct the problem as quickly as possible.  In the meantime, if you are in the vicinity of the Fellows 100A Help Desk, you may email your print job to and the Help Desk will print it and you may pick it up there. Updates will be posted here as soon as the problem is corrected.

*Update 11/13/12 18:13: Following the campus email earlier today, all changes planned for the 5:00pm to 7:00 pm maintenance period have been made. If you experience wireless issues after this period, please continue to contact the helpdesk.*


We have a support engineer onsite this week from our wireless vendor and are working with them to resolve our current wireless network issues. There are currently no planned outages for this work but we will post on NetNotes if we find that one is necessary.

Update 11/9/12 10AM:

The problem affecting the wired network has been identified and corrected. Please report any continuing issues with wired network logins to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or Work is continuing on an issue that is affecting some wireless connections.

Original Post 11/9/12 9:40AM:

The ITS Help Desk has received a number of reports of getting to the network over both wired and wireless connections.  Work is underway to identify and correct the problem. Updates will be posted here.

Update 11/9/2012: We continue to work on the problem with support.

We have several areas on campus where wireless is not working properly.  We are working with support to get the problem fixed.  Updates will be posted here.

UPDATE: Maintenance has been completed.  All wireless should be up.

To continue work in correcting performance issues on wireless, ITS will be making a change to the wireless environment  on Thursday morning 11/8 between 5 and 7:30am.  During this time, wireless equipment will be unavailable for short periods of time.  If you experience problems connecting to wireless after 7:30AM, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Update 10/29/12 9:30AM:

We believe this issue has been corrected. If you experience further issues logging in to MyDenison, please contact the ITS Help Desk.

Original Post:

Internet Explorer 9 users cannot currently login to MyDenison.  Please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome until the issue is resolved. Alternatively, you may access the following services directly from these URLs:

If you would like to be notified when the problem is corrected, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Update 10/26/12:

The problem was corrected at approximately 9:40AM. Please report any further issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or

Original Post:

The Help Desk has received reports that the myDenison portal is not allowing users to login.  Email is still accessible at and DU Self Service at  This issue has been escalated to our myDenison support team and updates will be posted as they are available.  We hope to have this service restored soon and apologize for the inconvenience.