Update 1/28 8:00Am
Thank you for your support this weekend. Queries reveal new data in the ODS, so from that perspective it was a success. There are still some errors on the ODS logs and we will continue to work with Ellucian to insure the health and stability of the ODS/Cognos data.

Please use Banner for look up only this Saturday all day. Processing and updates should be avoided. The availability of data in the Cognos/ODS packages will be unpredictable during the entire weekend. The Cognos Ztable packages will remain available for reporting throughout the weekend.

Update 1/24/2013 6:25pm: Work has completed. Please report any issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

A bandwidth shaper configuration change will be put in place this evening at 6pm.  This may cause an internet outage of up to 15 minutes.

Update 1/24/13 8:12A:

Service has been restored. Please report any issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu

Original Post:

Loss of internet connectivity has been reported this morning and appears to be a campus-wide issue. Our networking team has been notified and is working to restore this service. Updates will be posted here as they are available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

During the morning maintenance window on 1/12/13, ITS will be updating the faculty and staff print server. Precautions have been taken to resolve any potential printing issues resulting from this upgrade. If after the upgrade you find that you are missing a printer, please visit printers.denison.edu to install it again. If you experience any other printing issues, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 587.6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

Update: The ODS reload completed about 10pm on Saturday, January 19.

The ODS will be taken offline on Saturday, January 19, starting at 6:00am in order to conduct a full reload of all Banner data. A full reload of the ODS data will be done tomorrow, Saturday, January 19, starting at 6:00am. This process took 22 hours the last time we ran it. While it is running, queries against the z table packages will produce data but queries against ODS packages will not. If you have difficulty accessing Cognos ODS packages after noon on Sunday, please contact the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@denison.edu or 740-587-6395.

As you may be aware, the Department of Homeland Security issued a warning about the software plugin Java.  Attackers are using Java tools to take control of computer systems.

Java is a programming “add-on” that allows your local computer to do things so that the system you are using/visiting doesn’t have to do those things for you. This makes some web experiences run faster and look “smoother” than if all that traffic had to go back and forth between your computer and the web site. Unfortunately, Java has a long history of vulnerabilities and flaws.

Homeland Security recommended removing the installed Java tools completely, but this is often not possible or practical. For example, here at Denison, folks that access our Banner and Blackboard systems must have Java installed and enabled to use the system.

If you have a university owned and managed computer, we do not recommend that you update Java yourself. There are known compatibility issues with Java and the products that use it, including Banner and Blackboard. The ITS staff will automatically provide updates, including security updates, as they are tested and verified. If you upgrade manually, you may encounter problems with software applications. ITS support for university owned computers includes both Windows and Mac systems.


Update – 6AM, 1/14/13:

All network connectivity is currently restored and stable. ITS staff is now working to bring online those servers/systems that were down for the outage.


Update – 8PM:

We continue to troubleshoot network issues with our vendor, but do not currently have an estimated time for resolution. Novell file server (U: & S: drives) access is available, as is VPN access from off-campus and Internet connectivity on-campus. At any point during troubleshooting, access to these services could be interrupted. You may get to Denison Apps email & calendar at email.denison.edu and to the Blackboard course management system at courses.denison.edu. Access to Banner, DU Self-Service, MyDenison, and the Denison web site  currently remains unavailable.

Update – 2PM:

Network troubleshooting is continuing. Network performance may be erratic and a number of services are unavailable. An update will be posted here as soon as all services are restored.

Update – 12PM:

While Denison network services were restored earlier, a further network issue occurred and they are now currently unavailable while  troubleshooting continues.

Original Post:

ALERT: Network outage Sunday 5AM to 11AM

A network issue identified today must be addressed immediately to prevent the possibility of problems when classes resume Monday. Please expect a scheduled outage, potentially affecting any or all network services, Sunday, January 13 from 5:00AM to 11:00AM. Denison Apps, including email, will remain available provided other means of accessing the same, such as a cellular data plan or off-site internet connection, are used. To access Denison Apps, please visit email.denison.edu.

If you have problems with the network or any online service after 11AM on Sunday, please report the issue to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or  helpdesk@denison.edu.

Cognos is now available.

Cognos has encountered a problem and is not available. ITS staff is working with IBM to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Please watch Netnotes for updates.