We have been advised that there is a phone call scam that could lead to malware & financial loss.  The scenario involves an actor, claiming to work for a well-known software, technology or research company, cold calls victims in an attempt to convince them that their computer is at risk of an attack or infected with viruses, and that only they can resolve the problem.  Those who comply are very likely to have their computers compromised and may also experience financial loss.

As always, do not provide any confidential information to anyone contacting you via email or over the phone.  If you receive such a call, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740.587.6395.

Google has updated the interface for Denison’s Google Apps .  In order to access your Google calendar, drive, sites, contacts and search, you need to click on the icon of small squares next to your email account name in the upper right corner of the screen.  If you click on the squares, a window will open and you have the option of opening a window for one of the other Google tools.

See http://techcrunch.com/2013/09/19/google-makes-its-new-flat-logo-and-app-launcher-style-nav-menu-official-will-roll-out-over-the-next-few-weeks/ for more information.



Update 10/29/2013 5:00pm – The October 24th backup of subscribers lists have been loaded.  The database seems to be stable.

Update 10/29/2013 3:55pm – The listserv service will be down from 4:30 until 5:30pm today to fix a database corruption.  Subscriber lists will be restored from the October 24th evening backup and any modifications that were made between the 24th and today will have to be redone.  However, those that found subscribers missing from their lists will find the lists are back to where they were on the 24th.

Update 10/29/2013 2:11pm – The problem seems to be a corrupted subscriber database.  We are looking to correct the corruption and reload the subscriber data from backups taken on October 24th.

We have had several reports of members having been removed from lists without owner intervention and are investigating the possibility of a system error.   Updates will be posted here has we have more information.


The internal email servers were turned off as  planned. Should you receive an error message in your email client or on your mobile device, please refer to the links below to adjust your settings.

Original Post:

As a final step in the transition to Denison Apps for email, Denison’s internal email servers are being turned off as of the morning of Friday, October 25th.  If your desktop email application or mobile device connects to imap.denison.edu or pop.denison.edu, you may receive an error message. Please adjust your email application or mobile device app settings to connect to the Denison Apps servers.

Denison Apps setup instructions:
If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.