NOTICE: Reports of Issues Calling Some Granville/Newark Phone Numbers from Denison Phones

Update: September 29, 10:15 AM
The local phone provider has not resolved the call-blocking issue that prevents calls placed from Denison’s phone system from reaching their customers. We have confirmed that Denison’s phone system is successfully routing all calls placed to and from campus phones.

We continue to reach out to the local phone provider to seek a resolution, and we will update this post as more information is available.

Original Post

ITS has received several reports where calls to a local Granville or Newark phone number yield an out of service error when called from Denison phones but the call completes successfully when made from a cell phone.

This does NOT appear to be a call routing issue with Denison’s phone system. Instead, communication with Denison’s phone vendor and subsequent testing indicate that it is an issue with call-blocking on the part of the destination party’s phone provider.

If you experience this problem, please report the issue to the ITS Service Desk at Please include the following information:

  1. The destination phone number(s) you are attempting to call.
  2. The Denison phone number(s) used to call that number. 
  3. If the destination number is your personal home phone number, please include the name of your home phone service provider.