Update 5/26/16 7:10am:

The network updates are complete. Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Original Post

ITS will be performing upgrades to the network infrastructure on Thursday, May 26th between 5 and 7am. While the upgrades are happening there may be brief interruptions to on-campus services and to Internet traffic from on-campus especially in Burton Morgan and Campus Safety.

Accordingly, ITS recommends that you DO NOT edit files over the network or submit information online during the maintenance time periods as your work may be lost when the network outages occur.

This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.

ITS has received reports about emails being distributed with a subject of “Document 2” or “Image4382047765.pdf” (the numbers differ) from forged Denison addresses. The email that appears to be from a Denison address has very little in the messages body but with an attachment that is a zip file. Please do not click on the attachment. It contains a Trojan downloader that is currently not being detected by most anti-virus software. The message is not from Denison. It is another fraudulent attempt to infect your computer.

If you are using Denison Apps Mail:

Open the message and click the down arrow beside the Reply button and select “Report phishing” in the menu that appears. (Note: if “Report phishing” does not appear as an option and “Report not phishing” appears instead then the message is already flagged as phishing.)

This reports the phishing attack to Google and improves the identification and blocking of future phishing attacks. After you report it, please delete the message.

NOTE: this option is only available in the web (Gmail) interface for Denison Apps. It is not available if you are using Thunderbird, Apple Mail, or another client to access your Denison Apps email.

Please DO NOT RESPOND to or click links in this or any emails that request computer account or other personal information. They are an attempt to steal, at minimum, your email or other computer account, at maximum, your identity.

If you opened the attachment, please contact the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@denison.edu or 740-587-6395 to have your computer checked for malware.

Update 3/16/2016 7:00pm.  The work has been completed and power has been restored.to all outlets. Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Update 3/16/2016 10:00am: The old UPS was taken down at about 9:00am.  It is currently being dismantled and removed from the building.

Update: We have been informed that the contractor expects to turn down the old UPS tomorrow morning, 3/16/2016, between 8 and 9am.  They expect it to be down until sometime in the afternoon.

Update: The contractor has informed us that they will begin work at 8am Tuesday, March 15th, but will not be affecting power until late Tuesday or Wednesday morning.

A new uninterruptible power supply (UPS) will be installed in Olin on March 15-16.  During this time the power to outlets in Olin that are currently connected to the UPS will be off. During the constructions, we will attempt to have the data network available on the Ground, 1st and 3rd floors of the building.  However, these areas will be susceptible to utility power outages during the construction.  After the new UPS has been installed, the outlets will be connected to the new unit as well as have generator power during extended power outages.

Update 2/20/2016 10:45pm:

The update to the list server system has completed.  Please report any issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Original Post:

ITS is updating the mailing list server system to a new version of the software this Saturday, February 20th between 7pm and midnight. The list server will be unavailable during this time period.

After the upgrade, the new version will be available with all the data from the current list server at listserv.cc.denison.edu. Updated mailing list instructions will be available in MyDenison (use the search box in the top right corner to search for “Mailing Lists”).

Update: The update was not able to finish this morning.  The old server has been put back into place.  We will have to reschedule the update for a longer installation window on another date.

Original post:

ITS is updating the mailing list server system to a new version of the software this Thursday, February 18th between 5 and 7am. The list server will be unavailable during this time period.

After the upgrade, the new version will be available with all the data from the current list server at listserv.cc.denison.edu. Updated mailing list instructions will be available in MyDenison (use the search box in the top right corner to search for “Mailing Lists”).

Update 1/28/2016 11:20am: We were not able to fix the problem on the new server.  We have brought the old system back on line and the list service is back up and running.  Work will continue on the new server off-line and another install date will be scheduled.

Update 1/28/2016 10:50am: We are still experiencing some problems with lists accepting and distributing messages.  An update will be posted here when the update is finished.

Update 1/28/2016 9:30am: We are still experiencing some problems with lists accepting and distributing messages.  An update will be posted here when the update is finished.

Update 1/28/2016 7:30am:  The upgrade is still running.  An update will be posted here when the process is finished.

Original post:

ITS is updating the mailing list server system to a new version of the software this Thursday, January 28th between 5 and 7am. The list server will be unavailable during this time period.

After the upgrade, the new version will be available with all the data from the current list server at listserv.cc.denison.edu. Updated mailing list instructions will be available in MyDenison (use the search box in the top right corner to search for “Mailing Lists”).

Updated Post:

The network maintenance on South quad has been completed.  Please report any network issues to the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu. The Help Desk will reply as soon as possible during regular business hours (see www.denison.edu/its/helpdesk for hours).

Original Post:

ITS will be performing network maintenance on Thursday 1/14/2016 from 5:00-7:00AM which may result in interruptions of the wired or wireless network on South quad and the Fine Arts Center. Buildings to be affected include: Monomoy, Monomoy Annex, Ace Morgan Theatre, Burke Hall, Doane Dance, Burton Hall, King Hall, Stone Hall, Bryant Arts Center, Cinema Annex, Mulberry House, Open House, and all sorority buildings along Mulberry Street.

Please do not edit files over the network or submit information online during this time period as your work may be lost when the network outages occur.

This post will be updated when the work is complete. If you experience any network connectivity issues after this time, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 740-587-6395 or helpdesk@denison.edu.