Maintenance of the high-voltage power grid on campus will be on July 2nd of this year. The outage will begin at 7:00 AM and is estimated to last until 5:00 PM all across campus. Although there will be emergency power in most buildings to support life-safety needs such as emergency phones, fire panels, and exit lighting, we ask that you please turn off or unplug any unneeded equipment or computers, and backup all files prior to the maintenance.
Web-based applications will be accessible, but network access on campus will be limited to certain areas, and WiFi/Phone coverage may be spotty. You will need to rely on your cell phone for telephone use if you are on campus during the outage. Wireless network access would most likely be found in Fellows, Olin, Bryant, Doane Dance, Eisner, Ebaugh, and Herrick. Other buildings may have pockets of network access available. If working on campus during the outage, remember to save often as we cannot guarantee an uninterrupted experience.
If you experience problems after the power outage is over, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 740-587-6395 or to report your issue.